Saturday, March 5, 2011

Been away

I have been away from my page for awhile. I'm hoping to get caught up and load a bunch of new pictures. I got a new camera for Christmas and have been thoroughly enjoying it. It takes awesome pictures and can't wait to show some off. My early pictures were taken with a Kodak Easy Share C643 6.1 MP. I loved the camera it just didn't do what I was wanting to do and it didn't let me expand my horizons as far as I was wanting. I had this great Santa that brought me an awesome camera under my tree that is now responsible for my new pictures since the first of the year. That camera is a "Canon Power Shot SX30IS" digital camera 14.1 mp. I completely love it and it is taking me forever to learn all the buttons, tricks, and uses of it. I want to be able to use it to its full potential and still enjoy shooting pictures. I hope you continue to enjoy viewing my pictures as much as I enjoy taking them. Let me know if you are ever interested in any of them.

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